Logo "IntornoAme" con grafica stilizzata.
Sigillo di qualità garantita per il 2024.

The certified company' badge plays a crucial role in strengthening our network. Through the increase of backlink among websites that adopt it, it contributes to significantly improve positioning of each site in the search engines. This, in turn, generates a knock-on effect that benefits the entire network, improving the online visibility and theaccessibility of the companies involved. The use of the badge not only strengthens the image of reliability of each company, but also amplifies the digital presence and theinfluenza of the network as a whole.

					<div style="    display: flex;    justify-content: center;    align-items: center;">
    <a href="https://intornoame.it/en/"
       aria-label="Visit Certified Company IntornoAme"
       title="Certified Company Around Me">
        <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="https://i0.wp.com/intornoame.it/badge-eccellenza-italiana-intornoame.png?resize=140%2C140&#038;ssl=1"
             alt="Azienda Certificata IntornoAme"
             style="                width: 140px;                height: 140px;" data-recalc-dims="1">


Using the HTML code provided to embed the certified company' badge on one's own website has significant advantages over simply downloading and reloading the image. The main reason is the automatic update capability. Should the badge design change, e.g. annually, the updated badge will automatically be displayed on all sites using the HTML code. This means that you do not have to worry about downloading the new badge version and manually replacing the old one.

In addition, by using HTML code, a direct connection with the Intornoame site, which can bring benefits in terms of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Each time the badge is displayed on your site, it creates a backlink to intornoame.it, improving the visibility and ranking of both your site and intornoame.it on search engines.

Finally, using HTML code ensures that the badge is always displayed in the correct format and size, maintaining a professional presentation e consistent of your commitment to quality and excellence.